The Dales School is a happy, safe and supportive school where everyone is valued equally and nurtured to learn and thrive. Our values are central to achieving our aims and sustaining the positive ethos of our school. As a moral compass, our values guide us day-to-day in our learning, thinking and decision-making. The impact of our values is evident in the culture and lived experience of daily school life for everyone.

 All individuals at The Dales School demonstrate that we value and promote:

  • Honesty, by telling the truth and being true to our word
  • Respect, by valuing the diversity, rights and property of others
  • Teamwork, by working together appropriately to achieve our aims; demonstrating trustworthiness and consideration to others
  • Responsibility, by contributing positively to our whole school community, by accepting the consequences of actions and by agreeing and following simple rules
  • Resilience, by overcoming difficulties, striving to achieve our best and valuing the achievements of others
  • Kindness, by showing compassion, thoughtfulness and consideration to ourselves and others

In living these values, we enjoy our time in school and develop self-esteem, personal values and strong relationships.

 All individuals at The Dales School reject and challenge:

  • Discrimination of any type,
  • Racism
  • Bullying
  • Cheating
  • Cruelty
  • Dishonesty
  • Irresponsible or thoughtless behaviour.

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education is intrinsic to our school culture and ethos, we demonstrate this by:

  • Valuing learning with, from and on behalf of each other in school and beyond;
  • Valuing flexible, creative and open thinking and approaches that are solution focused;
  • Valuing and respecting everyone equally whilst acknowledging individuality and diversity;
  • Valuing, listening to and respecting each other’s opinions
  • Valuing and caring about the environment and being actively involved in our community;
  • Supporting, nurturing and caring for each other;
  • Being kind, thoughtful and considerate with each other.

Our class staff teams are deeply aware that children only get one chance at their education and our purpose is to ensure that they all fulfil their individual potential and aspire for the highest levels of personal development, behaviour and achievement. We want every child to be successful so that, when they leave us, they have developed a love of learning that goes with them to their next school and for the rest of their lives.


British Values 

At the Dales School the British Values are woven throughout our curriculum and through our vision and ethos.  We are committed to promoting these values and ensuring that we equip our children with the skills to be active, respectful citizens in their community who are fully prepared for their future.  

We reinforce the British Values regularly and strive to embed them throughout all aspects of school life in the following ways:


As part of our life skills, PSHCE and wider curriculum, the children have the opportunity to have their voices heard.  We are developing our school council which will meet together and be involved in change that genuinely affects the school.  

We actively promote democratic processes with fairness, and children are actively involved in decision making within their class, team and school community. Groups are working towards being ‘Friendship Buddies.’  

Children share their views as part of the annual review process and are included in target setting and planning their next steps.  

The Rule of Law

Throughout each day, the children are taught to make safe choices and are taught the idea of right and wrong.  Children are supported in following our school expectations and adhering to, ‘I like it when…’  

We encourage our children to accept responsibility for their own  behaviour, learn from any mistakes that are made and they are supported in making well informed choices.  Our expectations, routines and language used by staff reflect this learning, and children have the opportunity to repair any harm or break in relationships.  Our consistent approach policy is adhered to by all staff; rewards and consequences reflect fairness and justice.  

We have a good working relationship with our local community police and our school liaison officer.  This supports the children’s learning across the curriculum. 

Individual Liberty

Children are supported and encouraged to have the freedom to make choices and to respectfully express their views and beliefs.  We offer a safe and supportive environment which nurtures and fosters this learning.    

Throughout our life skills and PSHCE curriculum children learn how to manage their emotions and become increasingly independent in their thinking.   Through sessions such as e-safety and our PSHCE curriculum children are taught to know their rights and personal freedoms and are empowered to make safe and sensible choices which will equip them for life.  

Mutual Respect  

Respect is one of our core values in school and is woven throughout our curriculum and day to day experiences.   It is embedded throughout our school and staff model this consistently. In our school community respect is highly valued and children are taught the importance of respecting everyone, whatever differences there may be.

Tolerance of those with Different Faiths and Beliefs  

At The Dales School, children are taught to show tolerance and understanding of others, including when they hold a different belief or faith to their own.  

Our PSHCE and R.E curriculum provides a broad and balanced education which explores a range of religions, faiths and cultures.  The children learn about what it looks and feels like to be part of their community and are equipped with the skills to live in a diverse society without prejudice. 

We work alongside members of different faiths and provide a broad range of experiences for the children, enhancing their understanding of their place in a culturally diverse society.