Pupil Premium Strategy Statement
The Dales School are aware of the latest DfE guidance: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/pupil-premium-effective-use-and-accountability and we have utilised the recommended format for recording information on effective use of funding to raise attainment.
We use iASEND data tracking systems developed by our Headteacher for pupils with additional needs to robustly quantify progress and achievement from a baseline. However, attainment within The Dales School is not an appropriate benchmark as none of our pupils can be compared with national standards data on achievement and progress against norms.
As DfE recommended, our approach, reinforced by research from the EEF, is tiered, and prioritises improvements in the quality of teaching, including supporting pupils’ access to learning, which is integral to whole school policy.
We know that the utilisation of the Pupil Premium Grant will benefit the wider groupings in school, specifically raising the quality of interventions provided in supporting best outcomes and the maturity research model of developing, embedding and evaluation of impact adds to our school’s knowledge base of best practice.
Pupil Premium Allocation 2024-2025
Deprivation Pupil Premium: £139,120
An annual review is written based on the Pupil Premium Strategy Statement, which can be closely monitored by School Leaders, including Governors. This provides information on expected impact and outcomes and supports robust evaluation leading to the identification of subsequent year’s expenditure.
We measure the impact of the funding using a tiered approach:
Quality of Education | Attendance | Pupil Engagement |
Learning and Progress | Behavioural regulation | Parental Engagement |
Pupil Progress Data | Reading Ages | Annual Review Meetings |
Targeted Therapy Support | Targeted Academic Support | CPOMS Data |
How we monitor impact and provide feedback to Governors;
Click here to view Pupil Premium Strategy 2022-2024