This week B11 got creative making paper mache Dinosaur eggs!
This week in 11B we have been learning about famous chefs and recipes. The children have made their own lunch and tried lots of new foods. Some children were very brave and took themselves out of their comfort zone. They have looked at all of the foods that they eat and placed them in the food groups. They have also made Betty Botter’s Butter which they were amazed at how easy it was. They made some playdough too.
We have had a “super” start to the week with the children in 11b learning all about superheroes both in real life and fiction. They started to look at what a real life super hero is and what characteristics they have. Taking our theme into consideration we asked the children to think about what they would like to do when they are older and how they would go about succeeding in this career. We set up an interview chair for them to practice answering some questions that may be asked in a real interview. They did great and had lots of fun doing this. We have also moved on to poetry with the children choosing a section of a verse and drawing a picture that is linked with this.
In 11b this week we have been reading the Magic Train ride. The children have made up their own train station stop about the amazing places they have visited. They were surprised when a train track appeared in the classroom. As part of this theme they have made a variety of trains. In Math we are learning about shape and their properties and have included some of these shapes in their models. For red nose day the children took part in a variety of activities such as blow your nose, pick your nose and where’s your nose.
It has been challenging to say the least for everyone, it has been such a long time since we have all been together. We have been working on journeys into Spring and looking at the story of The Cautious Caterpillar and how brave he was and how brave we have all been through this awful time. We are working hard on relationships and getting along. 11B are producing some lovely craft work and they really enjoy their sessions in the garden, especially when they have a turn at lighting fires. There have been surprises in P.E, some have been keeping their talents hidden.
Home Learning
Blythdale – Bubble 2
Dear Parents/Carers,
As you are aware, The Dales School is having to limit the number of children attending school each day to ensure the necessary health and safety measures are in place for both children and staff to keep everyone as safe as possible.
During this time we want to do everything we can to support you and your child at home with their learning journey. Our aim is to work closely with you to provide a personalised approach to home learning so that your child can make good progress in all areas of their development.
We recognise that every family’s situation is different and hope that you and your child are able to make good use of our offer.
- We will telephone you each week to discuss how we can support your child.
- We will provide a pack of resources to support your child with their learning including a visual timetable.
- We will share your child’s basic and life skills targets with suggestions of how they can be supported at home.
- We will provide you with a range of resources both online and in paper based forms to supplement our planned activities.
- We will provide three learning activities per day that cover a range of curriculum areas. These will be posted on Tapestry or included in your pack.
- We will arrange a live Zoom session twice weekly so that your child can see and communicate with their staff team and classmates.
Our timetable will stay the same each week so that the children know what to expect. You can access the activities at times that are suited to you throughout the day and set your child’s timetables up as you see best fit.
Activity 1 | Activity 2 | Activity 3 | |
Monday | Zones of Regulation session -face to face | Maths learning | Story linked to theme with a task |
Tuesday | Cooking with a maths focus | Understanding of the world | Computing -E-Safety |
Wednesday | Therapeutic activity
(physical) |
Story linked to theme with a task | Maths learning |
Thursday | Music session | Story linked to theme with a task | Access to zoom face to face session |
Friday | Art session | Understanding of the world | Therapeutic activity
(sensory) |
We hope that your child will have a positive experience of learning at home. Remember sometimes you just need to stop, go outside, watch TV or play a game. There are staff available at Blythdale to talk to if you have any concerns.
Many thanks for your continued support
Liz Sanderson and the Bubble 2 team
We have made some delicious pastries for our shop window display and created a supermarket in the classroom where prices are still reasonable. We have been doing lots of practical activities with money and I am sure we are going to make some good investments in the future. Our circus skills have improved, especially balancing. We have enjoyed two weeks of orienteering at Druridge Bay and Plessey woods, the children are loving exploring the environment and working well on their basic skills of orienteering such as map reading, navigation and direction.
11B have enjoyed a sparkling week finding out about the History behind Guy Fawkes. They have began their new topic Food and Drink and are currently reading the book ‘Biscuit Bear’. In this book the biscuits make a circus and the children have decided what part they would like to play in a circus, they are practicing really hard, we cannot wait for the performance.