What an exciting week we have had meeting Biscuit Bear from our story! We have been exploring what we might need to make biscuits, creating lists and matching ingredients. We have even designed our own biscuit bear designs. We had lots of fun using tweezers to pick up milk bottle tops in water and explore measuring with with lots of different bears. We all felt so sorry for Horace having to waiting to eat his biscuit and can’t wait to make ours next week!
Our topic started with a lump of pastry that we used to make bears in different sizes. We began reading “Biscuit Bear” by Mini Grey. The children made predictions and placed the main characters of Horace and Biscuit Bear onto the Zones of Regulation to show how they were feeling. We thought of lots of describing words to use to describe Biscuit Bear too.
Then we followed a recipe to make Biscuit Bear some new friends. We designed how we wanted to decorate them and used icing to bring them to life. I hope they tasted as good as they looked!
We are looking forward to learning more about Food and Drink this term and how food helps us to celebrate special occasions.
Hello everyone, it was fantastic to have a full class back at school last week! We begun our new topic of Food and Drink. This week the children will be looking at the stories of the Gingerbread Man and Runaway Chapatti and trying Indian foods while we celebrate Diwalli. You can always add a Tapestry update of anything you do with your child, especially if it something relating to our topic.
This week in class 2 we had a surprise guest come in who left behind some muddy paw prints, orange and black fur, and a letter. The letter told us that the guest was a stripy, hungry animal and they he would come to school on Friday for a tea party. It was a tiger! We made lots of tiger art, made invitations and planned what food we wanted to have at the party. On Friday, we played lots of tiger themed games and made tiger striped biscuits. Then the tiger came in! It was very exciting and we had lots of yummy tea party food.
In maths we practiced our counting using different food. We counted numbers, put them in order and practiced writing them. In science we looked at which baby animals match which mammy animals. We also did food experiments earlier in the week, practicing our instruction following. Some of us made rain with whipped cream, water and food colouring. Some made volcanoes with lemons, sodium bicarbonate and food colouring and some of us more ice melt with salt.
Well done for another lovely week, everybody! Next week we will continue to look at food and drink as it is our new topic. We will also complete more ‘Tiger who came to tea’ activities.
It’s been wonderful to have 4B back in school this week after half term. They’ve been very excited to start our new topic, Food and Drink, and have discovered and tasted new fruits and vegetables while learning about food that grows.
Our literacy focus has been The Little Red Hen – we’ve had great fun retelling the story using makaton! There’s been some super signing!
4B even made their own bread, just like The Little Red Hen, which they enjoyed for breakfast – there was some very enthusiastic kneading whilst baking!
Our first week back has been rounded off with some Bonfire celebrations – the children have enjoyed making their own streamers and have produced some beautiful firework art!
We can’t wait to see them on Monday morning and get going with the second week of this excellent topic!
This week the children in 6B have started looking at the story ‘The Giant Jam Sandwich’. They have followed instructions to make their own jam sandwich, and then created instruction booklets to help someone else make one as well. They have been finding out about money and adding up coins in our toy shop roleplay in maths, as well as finding different ways to make the same amounts with coins. In geography this week the children have been finding out about the changing weather of Autumn, creating their own weather reports and delivering them to the rest of the class. They’ve also been out in the garden practicing how to build campfires and make bonfire night treats, as well as printmaking in art to create fantastic firework pictures.
This week in 7B, we have been following the news closely in the US election, to discover who will be the eventual winner. We learned more about each of the candidates and their policies and used our Math skills to determine how many votes each candidate would need to get enough electoral points to claim victory. We also learned about 24 hour and how to convert the time we had learned previous into this format.
This week we began our Outdoor sporting sessions at Druridge Bay. Our focus for this term is orienteering. We learned so many new things such as map reading, following direction instructions and using a compass. We developed our leadership skills and worked well as a team.
11B have enjoyed a sparkling week finding out about the History behind Guy Fawkes. They have began their new topic Food and Drink and are currently reading the book ‘Biscuit Bear’. In this book the biscuits make a circus and the children have decided what part they would like to play in a circus, they are practicing really hard, we cannot wait for the performance.
On Tuesday morning when 3A returned to class, we found a very orange crime scene! Some Oompa Loompa’s had stolen our lucky dip box and left us a very cheeky letter! The letter challenged us to work as a class team to achieve 40 superstars by Friday. We accepted our challenge and then we discovered the Oompa Loompas had left us something else… GOLDEN TICKETS!!! The golden tickets invited us to visit Loompa Land that afternoon. Loompa Land looked amazing! We saw sweet trees, giant lollipops, sweets hanging from the ceiling and life size Oompa Loompa’s. We can’t wait to explore Loompa Land again next week!