This week in B9 we have been learning all about the famous photographer Edward Weston. The children were given cameras and were allowed to explore the school, taking pictures of things they found inspirational.

This week in B9 we have been learning all about the famous photographer Edward Weston. The children were given cameras and were allowed to explore the school, taking pictures of things they found inspirational.
Children of class B11 and B9 took part in workshop to show awareness of racism and worked together to stop Racism in the world.
It’s been a knock out week this Week!
This week B9 have been learning all about one of the most famous boxers in the world Muhammad Ali and the swinging 60’s. The children discussed the motivational speeches and affirmations, as well a designing there own boxing gloves.
We have looked at the influential people, music, and fashion of the time. Discussing Black rights and the beginning the civil rights movement for equality and banning racial discrimination.
We have also looked at money and how we can successfully pay for things at the shops using our coins.
It’s been a busy week!
This week we have been finishing our learning on WW2, looking at rations and role playing being an evacuee and writing letters home to loved ones. We even went on to our very own train platform, got on the train and our teacher waved us off. All of the children loved investigating the train. We have also been celebrating Easter, the religious meaning and all the fun Easter things.
This term has been filled with learning all about British History, from William the Conquer and his bad hair, to Henry VIII and his poor wives, the jobs children had to do during Victorian times and not to mention the poor WW1 soldiers and the trenches!
Willow team would like to wish you all a happy, fun and safe Easter holiday and we will see you all very soon.
This week we have been learning about WW2, which countries were involved and the children have been making Anderson air raid shelters to help keep them safe when the bombs get dropped on the cities. We have also been investigating what it might be like to evacuate to the country, to leave the home and parents/ carers behind and move in with another family. The children enjoyed their ration breakfast … well we were kind and used our whole month of bacon ration!
This week willow class have been learning all about the frightful 1st World War, how and when it started. Looking at timelines and building trenches and playing soldiers in our tuff tray. We have also been reading a lovely book about a soldier and his hen, the children did some amazing water colours just like the books illustrations.
This week we learnt about history, we spent time with the Normans. Discovering about the battle of Hastings 1066, how William the Conquer became king of England. We are creating are own version of the Bayeux Tapestry encouraging the children to use their fine motor skills.
We looked at Multiplication and investigated with how things are multiplied
This week the children had a special valentine’s big breakfast on Monday, then made chocolate covered cake pops to take home. We have been learning all about the Hindu religion, researching and fact finding about their amazing Gods and Goddess. As it is coming up to half term the children have been understanding how to keep themselves safe and making yummy rice krispie traffic lights and practicing how to cross the road safely. Willow class hopes you all have a wonderful holiday and we can’t wait to welcome you all back, in the new term.
This week B9 have been celebrating Chinese New Year. We have researched the origins of the animals behind each year and what animal each child is.
We practised Chinese calligraphy, cooked some delicious Chinese food and enjoyed playing with our Chinese dragon in the tuff tray.