Children of B11 have studied past events which have shaped Britain from the Roman Empire to World War 2. They have used many art skills including roman mosaics and black silhouettes inspired by The Blitz. Children have also studied the Industrial Revolution and together read the book Oliver Twist.
This week B6 have been learning about some of the history of the UK. They have found out about castles and what they were used for, using their knowledge to design, build and paint their own junk model castle. The children have also identified the different countries of the UK, locating and creating a map of famous castles in different parts of the country using the laptops and ipads. Alongside their regular English lessons, practicing key literacy skills, B6 have found out about mediaeval battles, using addition and number work to calculate the cost of an army. As well as this they have designed their own swords and shields while learning about the everyday life of knights and their coats of arms.
This week B8 have been looking at Myths and Legends. In particular we have looked at the legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. Each child chose a Knight to draw and make a shield. We watched the film of the Sword in the Stone to bring the story to life. The children wrote questions to ask King Arthur and we did some role play so they could ask their questions. We also made wanted posters for Arthur when he took the sword from the stone.
B8 are also learning a song to celebrate the train, which they will be singing next week, they have also learnt to use Makaton for the chorus.
This week the children in B7 had an afternoon tea party. They used fractions to help them cut the sandwiches and cakes into equal parts. They looked at food packaging and how it has changed over the last 50 years and they designed their own bean tins. Then they visited Asda to see how much the prices have increased. (A lot!)
Happy Mothers Day to all of our special Mum’s this Sunday. We have enjoyed a busy day in class, making special presents. Finger print blossom pictures, photos of children blowing kisses and some yummy mint cream sweeties. Our children really are the sweetest. They all hand picked their own flowers for Mum and wrote their own name tags. We hope you all love your presents. From the staff and children of B3, happy Mother’s Day.
This week willow class have been learning all about the frightful 1st World War, how and when it started. Looking at timelines and building trenches and playing soldiers in our tuff tray. We have also been reading a lovely book about a soldier and his hen, the children did some amazing water colours just like the books illustrations.
B8 enjoyed a visit to the Angel of The North, they sat and drew their own version of the Angel and took wax rubbings. The children’s behaviour was exceptional, a couple of visitors stopped to speak and said how well behaved they were. We also hung sunflowers on the trees to show our support for the Ukraine, the sunflower is their national emblem of hope and unity. On returning back at school we had an English Tea Party with bone china cups and cakes.
This week B6 have continued learning about the UK’s coastline, turning their attention to the science side of things by learning about the plants, animals and habitats at the coast. The children have learned the names of different animals that you would find on the beach, and have studied food chains and food webs. The children have used food webs to create a coastal food chain poster on the computers, and have also created a short animation of a food chain in action using plasticine and stop-motion. B6 have also practiced their life skills, taking responsibility for their own safety, on a visit to Seaton Delaval Hall and the beach and learning to safely make campfires in the garden.