What a busy week Orange Class have had!
we’ve kicked off this half term by learning about British Values. We were very interested to learn about The UK (and were amazed that the UK flag was the English, Irish and Scottish flags combined!)

First, we looked at Rule of Law. We read Oh No, George! and laughed lots at all of the things that went wrong, but then talked about how important rules and laws are and why we follow them to help keep us safe.

Then, we read Zog and the Flying Doctors to help us learn about Individual Liberty. We drew around our hands and decorated them, then wrote in an adjective that we thought described ourselves and made us special. We turned these into a wreath and made shields to show what makes us individual and special. Here are Lennox and Thomas’ shields!
We read This Is Our House to help us understand democracy. We talked about how important it is that everyone has a voice and discussed voting. It was then up to the children to decide which games we would play in PE through voting! To learn about Mutual Respect and Tolerance, we read The Pirates Next Door. We talked about pirates before reading the story – most of the children said they would want the pirates to move away and had a negative view of them before reading the book, but this quickly changed! They decided it was important to get to know someone before deciding what they would be like and talked about the different beliefs in the UK and how it’s great to be different!

On Thursday, it was World Book Day! The day started off with an investigation – someone had stolen the books! The children showed fantastic teamwork and problem solving skills when they read the clues and solved the mystery! They then worked together to write their own stories.

See you next week, when we will be learning all about England!