This week in Blue class we have investigated loads of brilliant stories about dinosaurs.
On Monday, we practised our comprehension with some brilliant writing and drawing, all about Dinosaurs Love Underpants! Then in art, we made some fantastic dinosaur paintings with decorated underpants, just like in our story.
On Tuesday our story was I Can Roar like a Dinosaur, and we all learned about things that are “the same” and “different”. We painted portraits of our friends and talked about what makes us all special, and made 3D dinosaurs of ourselves!
On Wednesday our story was Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs, so made duplo mazes to solve with our friends! We also used the computers to make wanted posters for the missing dinosaurs, and did a special coding challenge to collect all the dinosaurs!
Thursday’s book was Tiny T. Rex and the Impossible Hug, and we all had a day all about emotions! We had a big discussion about the characters in our story, how they felt and why. Then we talked about what makes a good friend! We sorted emotions into “happy”, “sad” and “angry”, found out how to cheer up our friends, and even drew some amazing pictures of Tiny T Rex!
We also cooked up a huge feast for our Friday dinner- cheese and onion pie, with sticky toffee pudding for dessert.
On Friday we had a musical day with our story, Bumpus Jumpus Dinosaurumpus! We all had a go at making different sounds with instruments, describing our sounds, and making music in time with one another. Then we put on a spectacular class performance of our music, watching a conductor and all playing our unique parts!
As a really special treat, we also saw all of the animals that Animal Antics brought in to show us! We had an incredible time petting a rabbit, seeing a snake, holding some mice and even saying hello to a lovely hedgehog!
What a busy week it’s been! We hope you all have a fantastic weekend, and we’ll see you next week for more exciting activities!