The train was officially opened after the recent completion of the STEAM hub. The Dales School had a chance to say thank you to the different organisations, volunteers and community who have helped make the train so fantastic.
We were also featured in the Chronicle and News post leader.
The Train is used as a resource to help children with life skills and basic skills, as well as developing early career aspirations, railway safety and reading for enjoyment.
Thank you to the Laurel trust, Harrison Foundation, Hargreaves foundation, Platten family Fund, Dreager, the Freemasons, Northern Rail, Barbour, Port of Blyth, Blyth Town Council, Avery Dennison and TEXO for the amazing support and funding.
On the journey of the train we have had some fantastic volunteers and workshops from Morgan Sindall, Northumberland County Council, AECOM, Network rail, the Police cadets and Aln Valley Railway.
Our amazing ticket office and waiting room was donated from Wickes and built by Blyth Manshed. Elaine Bambrough also worked hard in the STEAM room with painting and joinery.
In preparation for teaching early careers aspirations and learning how to travel on the railway we have had some amazing support from Marie Adderson from Northern rail, Nicola Buckley from Transpennine Express and Rachel Bateman and Mark Ellis from the Northumberland line.
Thank you to Mick Hodgeson from Network Rail for laying the train track and also Noel Forte from Henkel and Gary Barnes from Network Rail for donating products and helping to weatherproof the train. We would also like to thank Neil Blagburn for all the amazing support and local MP Ian Levy.
We have made some fantastic friends along the way. It was great to see everybody at the train event and look forward to working with you in the future.
Thank you to the fantastic staff from Avery Dennison and Northumberland County Council.
A big thank you to Arther Cranson, Parks and Green Spaces Officer for organising colleagues from Northumberland County Council, Nicola Birch and Lorinda Lakey – Doorsamy for organising the Avery Dennison team.
Thank you to Dave Johnstone from D A Johnstone plant hire, for providing the weed barrier for the garden and Leon Savage from NCC for providing the wood chippings.
The team worked throughout the day to transform the garden. Arthur Cranson made some amazing raised planters that will be used in the growing and planting area. The team from Avery Dennison moved tons of bark, painted and weeded the garden.
Thank you so much for your help.
Staff from Heaton depot and Rescue pod were back at the Dales school. This time they were making a level crossing. The Dales school is working hard to promote railway safety, so it is important children understand the dangers of crossing a railway track. Thank you so much to Heaton Depot and Rescue pod for all the hard work.
We would like to thank Gary Barnes, Gary Roseby, Tom Joyce and Vicki Carr for the amazing work.
The team even managed to get the train’s tail lights working and patched up the leaking roof.
Kerry Peters, regional director at Northern, said: “Our team are proud to be able to support The Dales School and it is vital that children learn how to use the railway safely.
“At Northern, we aim to make a positive impact for the North East and the communities we serve.”
Classes from Ashlade and Blythdale went on a fantastic journey to York. The classes were B12, A6 and A7.
We would like to say a big thank you to Nicola Buckley, Lisa Yemm, Gary Braddock, JJ Fletcher and Stephen O’doherty for the complementary train tickets and for making us feel very safe and comfortable on the train. We all had an amazing day.
We started our journey at Newcastle central station and we met Gary Braddock from Transpennine. Gary took us over to the Transpennine train and showed us to our seats. We had a very comfortable journey to York. The train was very fast.
At York we met Lisa Yemm. Lisa had a surprise for us, it was a Trenspennine goody bag, it was like a party bag, but even better.
We then walked over to the railway museum. We sat on the real bullet train and looked under a steam engine. Bradley even spotted a Dr.Who Tardis on the model railway layout.
We then got the train back to Newcastle and we were able to stand next to the train for a photo.
This week B13 enjoyed horse riding, learning how to tack up a horse and using the reins to steer their horse, while riding at a quicker pace.
We would love to hear your views about the Dales School.
You can do this by logging onto the Ofsted website and completing
the parent views section.
We would appreciate it if you could take some time to do this.
We thankyou for your continued support.
A reminder about Covid-19 in school – if your child is unwell, particularly with a high temperature, sore throat and/or cough, please do not send your child to school. If your child tests positive for Covid-19, please keep them at home for 5 days or until he or she tests negative.
If your child has sickness and/or severe diarrhea, please do not send them into school until 48 hours after the last time your child was sick or had a bout of severe diarrhea.
Currently, we have several cases of Covid-19 in school, with both children and staff infected on both sites. We also have a number of cases of sickness and diarrhea in school.
Please help us to limit the spread of both illnesses in school.
Thank you so much for your support.
This week Oak class (A1) have been watching ‘Up’ for their next fantastic journey! We practised our regulation breathing skills using feathers, balls and balloons during different games. We did lots of moving and stretching to paint out giant house and explored how to mix different colours. We printed then stuck shapes onto our box house, blew up our balloons then did some lovely role play and sharing in it!
Our new STEM carriage is now on track to be completed thanks to Northumberland Line volunteers who have helped prepare the carriage ready for painting.
Thank you to Neil Blagburn who works as the Northumberland Line Delivery Director for arranging the volunteer day.
Morgan Sindall, the Northumberland Line, AECOM, SLC Rail, Department for Transport, and Seamans volunteers worked very hard to strip back the paint and clean the train. Thank you so much for the work and your time, we could not have done it without you.