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Thank you to Cllrs Grant and Susan Davey for coming into school to hand out special medals for the Queen’s jubilee. The medals were donated by Blyth county council. The children were very excited to receive them. We even had a special guest driving the train. We would also like to thank Blyth council for funding our Jubilee party at school. We all had a great time.
We had some great news this week, RW Mann Trust have kindly donated to the train project. Thank you so much, this will go towards developing out STEM carriage.
Also a big thank you to Mr Holmes who kindly made a donation to help. On this note we have created a ‘Just Giving’ campaign to help raise £10,000 to aid in the carriage development. If you would like to donate please go to https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/thedales-school.
Thank you to Ian Levy and the chronicle for appealing to the public to help the train project https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/dales-school-blyth-pacer-train-22947145
We had a trip to Kirkmerrington School in County Durham. They showed us around their Class 142 Pacer train. We wish you all the best for your project. We are looking forward to Lesley visiting Blythdale to see our Train.
More exciting news to come next week.
You may know that The Dales School acquired a train which we are currently refurbishing to be used a a learning space. This blog will provide updates as we go through the project.
This year were fundraising for BBC Children in Need! We’re holding a BBC Children in Need Day on Friday the 19th of November to raise vital funds for children across the UK.
If you would like to donate on behalf of The Dales School, please click the following link.
The children will break up for the Summer Holidays on the 16th July at 12pm, we reconvene on the 8th September. On behalf of everyone at The Dales we hope you have a brilliant summer.
Dear Parents and Carers,
Dear Parents and Carers,
Please note that in line with government advice, The Dales will break up for the Christmas holidays at 3:00pm on Thursday, 17th December. Children will return as planned on Tuesday, 5th January 2021.