Dear Parent/Carer,
We are writing to you with an exciting opportunity for children and young people this summer.
Thanks to the Government’s Holiday Activities and Food programme (HAF) and funding we have received from the National Lottery we will be able to run a range of holiday programmes across the summer break.
The fully funded programmes mean children and young people of all ages will be able to take part in a range of enriching activities including sport, music, dance, drama, art, cooking, and gardening. The programme of events will also give them the opportunity to learn new skills and the chance to socialise with others and make new friends.
Those who attend will also receive a healthy meal as part of our commitment to ensure those who receive free school meals in term time continue to do so should they attend some of the activities taking place.
If you want to find out what is on offer in your area, please contact Northumberland Communities Together for more information.
Phone the Northumberland Communities Together Response Hub on 01670 620015 9am-6pm, 7 days a week or email: