Pupil information is gathered, moderated and analysed in a number of ways using various measures. iASEND, EHCP targets and other individualised approaches are used to capture and demonstrate the impact of our curriculum approach.


iASEND underpins our curriculum offer and is used to track and measure progress and attainment. iASEND is an innovative assessment, tracking and target setting cloud-based system, based on the National Curriculum. It was developed by our Head Teacher in response to pupilsā€™ with additional needs assessment needs and assessmentsĀ without levels.


All pupils have individual targets in all areas of the curriculum and specific targets derived from their Education Health and Care plan (EHCP). This data is used to provide rich information with regard to the progress of individual pupils, cohorts and the whole school. Senior leaders use this information to inform school developments and plan future interventions. Individual teachers and therapists also use this information to inform teaching and learning and therapeutic interventions. Progress against targets is tracked termly.

Click here to view The Dales School Data Dashboard containing pupil information for 2021-2022.