This week in Blue class, we’ve learned all about Chinese New Year! This year is the Year of the Tiger, so we found out lots about tigers to celebrate. Blue class learned all about animals who hide with camouflage, and made camouflaged animals to hide in the classroom!
We loved reading The Tiger who Came to Tea, learning about the story of the Chinese Zodiac animals, and had a magical surprise when the Magic Paint Brush left us a chocolate coin tree.
We made fabulous colourful masks of the zodiac animals, decorated cups in Chinese patterns, made our own teapots from clay, and prepared a feast for class dinner on Friday afternoon, featuring our very own tiger who came to tea! We all had the opportunity to try some lovely Chinese food and even use some chopsticks.
This week we also did some special work on our bodies. We found out what are the right names for parts are, which parts are private, and we listened to some catchy songs to help us remember!
Everyone in Blue class has had an exciting week full of activities, and we hope everyone has a restful, relaxing weekend.