At The Dales School we recognise that the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is a key period for child development. Every child develops uniquely and we aim to provide learning opportunities based on their individual attainment, interests and needs. Our whole school curriculum are embedded within the ethos of the EYFS. We ensure that pupils are learning in a safe, secure environment and have access to a curriculum which develops life skills and basic skills upon which they can build on in later years.

Parents play an essential role in the early years and we aim to work collaboratively alongside parents, drawing on their wealth of knowledge and expertise. A trans-disciplinary team provides a child centred approach to learning ensuring that therapy is fully integrated within the daily routine.

Pupils may continue to work within the EYFS framework if this is appropriate to their developmental and learning needs.

We recognise that assessment is at the heart of promoting childrenā€™s learning and is therefore a continuous process to inform the next steps for each child. We work in collaboration with parents and other professionals to ensure that a childā€™s needs are fully met and there is a consistent approach between home and school.


Within the EYFS we aim to:

  • Provide a child centred approach to learning enabling all pupils to thrive and make progress.
  • Provide a stimulating environment where pupils feel safe and secure and have all their needs met.
  • Work collaboratively with parents to ensure a consistent approach at home and in school.
  • Work in partnership with other professionals and external agencies.
  • Promote British Values to teach pupils about the world they live in and their role within society.
  • Adhere to the EYFS framework and the guiding principles that shape practice within Early Years settings.
  • Every child is a unique child, who is constantly learning and developing. We recognise thatĀ children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates
  • Children learn and develop well in enabling environments, in which their experiences respond to their needs and there is a strong partnership between practitioners andĀ parents and/or carers.