September 2024

This policy is available on the school website and is referenced in our staff
handbook/safeguarding training as well as being available electronically.

Visitors are also made aware of this

1. Policy statement and principles p4
2. Roles and responsibilities p5
3. Children Protection Procedures- Recognising, responding and reporting Procedures p11
a. Recognising abuse
b. Contextual Safeguarding
c. Impact of abuse
d. Responding and Procedures
e. If a pupil discloses to you
f. Notifying parents
g. Referral to social care
h. Child’s wishes
4. Adults working in school p7
a. Good practice guidelines and code of conduct
b. School Central Record (SCR)
c. Abuse of a position of trust
d. Complaints Procedure
e. Whistleblowing
f. Allegations or concerns about an adult
g. Training
h. Visitors
i. Safer Recruitment
j. Regulated Activity, Volunteers, Contractors
k. Site Security


l. Extended school, out of school providers and off-site arrangements
5. Searching and Screening
6. Physical Intervention
7. Digital Safety pg 10
a. Digital Safety overview
b. Photography and images
c. Staff/pupil relationships and online contact
8. Our curriculum -Helping Children to keep themselves safe pg 14
A DSL / DDSL Share drive and important links
B Definitions of Abuse and Other Harmful Behaviour
C Indicators of abuse
D Pupils more vulnerable/at greater risk
E Specific Considerations-
F School Paperwork for Recording & Reporting Concerns
G Flowchart for following up concerns
H Flowchart for dealing with sexual violence and sexual harm
I Standards for Effective Child Protection Practice in Schools- OFSTED
J Dealing with Allegations Against People Who Work with Children
K School Safeguarding poster
L Mental Health Pathways and Signposting
M Attendance Responsibilities
N KCSiE 2024- Summary of Changes
O NCASP Priorities
P Offensive Weapon and Knife Carrying- School protocol (inc searching and screening)
Q Northumberland Family Hubs- information and support
R Frequently asked questions- Quick Reminder
S Key Contacts
THE DALES School fully recognises its responsibility for safeguarding and promoting the
welfare of children. This policy has been developed from policy, processes and protocol as
stated in these national documents:
● Working together to safeguard children- December 2023
● KCSiE 2024
● Use of Reasonable Force
● Mobile Phones in Schools
● School Attendance Responsibilities


This policy is one of a series in the school’s safeguarding portfolio which includes:
● Behaviour and Relationship Policy
● Intimate care
● Whistleblowing
● Recruitment and selection Code of Practice
● Staff Discipline Policy and Procedures
● eSafety Policy
● GDPR Data Protection Policy
● Children Missing Education
● Complaints procedure
● Staff Code of Conduct
● Keeping Children Safe in Education
● Safe Working Practice
● Anti Bullying Policy
● Attendance Guidelines
● Children with Health needs who cannot attend school
● Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions
● First Aid (incorporated n the Health and Safety Policy)
● Health and Safety
● Equality information and objective

Policy statement and principles
Child protection statement

We recognise our moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all
pupils. We endeavour to provide a safe and welcoming environment where children are
respected and valued. We are alert to the signs of abuse and neglect and follow procedures to
ensure that children receive effective support and protection.
At THE DALES school pupils are taught about safeguarding, including online, through various
teaching and learning opportunities and the school is fully committed to this as part of the
delivery of a broad and balanced curriculum.
This policy has been written with reference to key statutory guidance (as referenced
throughout). The procedures contained in this policy apply to all staff, volunteers, visitors and
governors and are consistent with those of the local safeguarding partnership,
Northumberland Children’s and Adults Safeguarding Partnership (NCASP). This policy was
developed, and references arrangements, with the 3 safeguarding partners (the local
authority, the integrated care board & the police).
Early years settings, schools and further education and skills providers should be safe
environments where children/learners and vulnerable adults can learn and develop. Timely


and appropriate safeguarding action is taken for children/learners who need early help or
who may be suffering, or likely to suffer, harm.
School policy and practice is also established to meet the requirements set out by our
safeguarding partners Northumberland Children’s and Adult’s Strategic Safeguarding
Partnership (NCASP)
Policy aims

● To demonstrate the school’s commitment regarding safeguarding and child
protection to pupils, parents and other partners
● To provide all staff with the necessary information to enable them to meet
their child protection responsibilities
● To ensure consistent good practice
● To maintain the highest standard of a culture of safeguarding within THE
DALES School

Policy Principles

● The welfare of the child is paramount
● All children, regardless of age, gender, ability, culture, race, language, religion
or sexual identity, have equal rights to protection
● The school’s responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of children is
of paramount importance
● The school will maintain an attitude of “it could happen here”
● All staff have an equal responsibility to act on any suspicion or disclosure that
may suggest a child is at risk of harm
● Pupils and staff involved in child protection issues will receive appropriate

This policy will be reviewed at least annually unless an incident or new legislation or guidance
suggests the need for an interim review to ensure our practice and procedures are the most
effective they can be.


Roles and Responsibilities at the Dales School

The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) for Child Protection is :
Sally Collins
Contact details: email: tel: 01670 352556

The Deputy Designated person(s) are:
Glynis Burn

Contact details: email: tel: 01670 352556

Liz Sanderson

Contact details: email: tel: 01670 352556

Kim Lamb

Contact details: email: Tel: 01670 336906

Tracy Henderson

Contact details: email tel: 01670 352556

Judith Palmer

Contact details: email tel: 01670 352556

Rachel Straker

Contact details: email tel 01670 352556

Demi Stroughton

Contact details:email tel: 01670 336906
Emma Armour
Contact details: email tel: 01670 352556

Ashley Ferguson


Contact details: email tel: 01670 352556

Suzanne Pinkney

Contact details: email tel: 01670 336906

Sarah Angus

Contact details: email tel: 01670 336906

Katie Murray: Safeguarding Governor:
Dr Sue Fisher: Executive Head Teacher:
Amy Taylor: Acting Head Teacher:
John Jennings: Online Safety:
As a school we will promote a culture of safeguarding through effective training, briefings,
policy and practice as well as collaborative multi agency working. Staff working directly with
children will all have read Part 1 and Annex B of KCSiE annually. Those who do not work
directly with children will have read Part 1 OR Annex A annually.
All staff
Due to their day-to-day contact with pupils, school staff are uniquely placed to observe changes in
children’s behaviour and the outward signs of abuse. Children may also turn to a trusted adult in
school when they are in distress or at risk. It is vital that all school staff are alert to the signs of
harm (inside/outside or the home, at school and online), are available to listen to, reassure and
keep pupils safe. All staff will understand the procedures for reporting concerns.
All staff should be aware that children may not feel ready or know how to tell someone that they
are being abused, exploited, or neglected, and/or they may not recognise their experiences as
harmful. This could be due to their vulnerability, disability and/or sexual orientation or language
barriers. This should not prevent staff from having a professional curiosity and speaking to the
DSL / DDSL (Designated Safeguarding Leads) if they have concerns about a child. It is also
important that staff determine how best to build trusted relationships with children which facilitate
Designated Safeguarding Lead Responsibilities
(further to Annex C: KCSiE 2024 pg 170)
The DSL is a member of the senior leadership team (SLT). They take the lead responsibility for
child protection and wider safeguarding in school. The DSL / DDSL has the time, training,
resources and support to:
● act as a source of support and expertise to the school community
● encourage a culture of listening to children and taking account of their wishes and
● follow locally agreed processes for providing early help and intervention
● refers cases of suspected abuse to children’s social care or police, as appropriate
● notify children’s social care if a child with a child protection plan has unexplained absences


● keep detailed written records of all concerns, ensuring that such records are stored
● develop effective links with relevant statutory and voluntary agencies including the NCASP
● be the lead for Operation Encompass and Operation Endeavour in the school
● attend and contribute to child protection conferences, plans and communicating these
● have a working knowledge of Northumberland Children and Adult Safeguarding Partnership
(NCASP) procedures Northumberland Children's Services Procedures Manual
● liaise with the nominated governor and Executive Head Teacher / Acting Head Teacher
(where the role is not carried out by the Executive Head Teacher / Acting Head Teacher)
● reports concerns that a pupil may be at risk of radicalisation or involvement in terrorism,
following the Prevent referral process

Wider responsibilities of the DSL / DDSL include:
● ensuring that the child protection policy and procedures are regularly reviewed and updated
annually, working with governors and trustees
● makes the child protection & safeguarding policy available publicly, on the school’s website
● ensuring that when a pupil leaves the school, their child protection file is sent securely to
the new school (separately from the main pupil file and ensuring secure transit) and
confirmation of receipt is obtained. The pupil’s social worker should also be informed of the
change in school
● ensuring parents are aware of the school’s role in safeguarding and that referrals will be
● working with others to ensure that the school’s filtering and monitoring systems are
functional and effective
Training responsibilities:
● is appropriately trained, receiving annual updates and refresher training provided by the
Local Authority (every 2 years)
● ensures a record of staff compliance for child protection and safeguarding training
● ensures staff are kept up to date with key priorities within the LA, including learning from
serious practice reviews
Whilst the activities of the designated safeguarding lead can be delegated to appropriately trained
deputies, the ultimate lead responsibility for child protection, as set out above, remains with the
designated safeguarding lead; this lead responsibility should not be delegated.
The Deputy Designated Person(s):
Is/are appropriately trained and, in the absence of the designated person, carries out those
functions necessary to ensure the ongoing safety and protection of pupils. In the event of the
long-term absence of the designated person, the deputy will assume all the functions above.
If the DSL / DDSL (or deputy) are not available, staff should contact a member of the
leadership team to seek advice. DSL / DDSLs can also be approached in other settings- if
Consideration should also be given for residential trips and outings- out of hours contact
for a DSL / DDSL.
Advice can also be sought from One Call 01670 536400 or from the Schools’ Safeguarding